The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at
home in the bosom of my family.

-Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rec Center Gems

One of the best parts of not joining a “gym” but rather reaping the civic benefits of a community recreation center is the morning conversation in the women’s locker room. I’m a bona fide eaves dropper and since the water aerobics ladies are such a riot, there are several giggles I’ve had to stifle to mask my unknown involvement in their lives. Sometimes I prolong my pre-swimming rinse off just to catch the rest of a conversation thread. Here are a few of the bits of wisdom gleaned from ladies who spend their mornings gabbing in the buff:

1. As a woman’s body form changes, it is important to become “crease conscious” in the shower—and it’s okay to tell your friend in the next stall to do the same

2. Use a cane to drop over an unattended, locked shower stall and shimmy the lock it to get it opened. “Mischievous little kids!”

3. Grandkids spend too much time with electronic toys

4. All children really want is to spend more time with their elders

5. When one lady noticed some of the scars on my legs, she exclaimed, “You’re too young to have had a hip replacement!” When she found out that wasn’t the case, she resigned, “Well, I guess we’ve all got something, huh?”

6. It is not acceptable to have a friend that goes “cold turkey” on eating out with the girls for lunch just because she wants to watch her weight and save money


. said...

I love old people! Especially ones that have weathered life's storms and choose to look on the bright side of life. One of my favorite quotes is from George Washington Carver: How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life, you will have been all of these.

Just Me said...

While buying a matress recently I too was told I was too young to have had back surgery until they understood it was for scoliosis. Love that they thought you had a hip replacement. That was definitely a laugh out loud!

Lula Mae said...

This was great! As a woman of 34 I am becoming familiar with "crease awareness".

Lisa R.D. said...

Loved that... I have to admit that when I first glanced at the title I thought it said "Rec Center Germs" which made me chuckle because just today, at the very same Rec Center, I was disheartened to find the spray in the weight room had disappeared and I wondered how many cooties I got (and left) on the equipment. I think I need to start hanging out in the locker room though, that's where all the exciting action is!