The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at
home in the bosom of my family.

-Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Fashion Savvy

The only fashion advice I've been able to successfully impart to our little diva has been "no pink pants/shorts with a pink shirt"—something about walking pepto disturbs the senses. However, I don’t dare try to squelch her creativity by telling her what some of her choices really look like. Oh well. Honestly, who am I to judge when there are many days when I walk out of my house knowingly committing a fashion faux pas of the grandest sort? Panties being worn on the head and polka dot shoes with unbuttoned capris is acceptable as a preschooler just as it will be when she's teetering around as a toothless granny. Who says fashions don't come back in the same lifetime?


Deanna said...

What a cutie! I love that her pants are unbuttoned and her shoes are on the wrong feet! Great picture.
Did she lose a purple gemed ring? I found one behind my couch and am assuming it's hers since Azure currently doesn't own jewelry.

toothless granny said...

What do you mean that walking pepto is out?? I love matching colors and twin sets of sweaters and pink socks!! However, my very favorite shoes? Cowboy boots from Dan's Boots and Saddles. I think they look great with everything except high water pants. They even seem to match my nightgown. I love you all! PS This is my first blog entry--ever.

Lula Mae said...

That is too cute. Don't you love it when they dress themselves?

. said...

The panties on the head's SO hot right now. Straight from Milan, this girl is. Okay maybe I'm taking this a bit far. I do think it's cute when kids dress themselves.

Lisa R.D. said...

So very cute. I love the things that children put together and call "outfits"--sorta reminds me of the outfits their daddy might pick out for them too :).

Marissa said...

Fashion savvy indeed! She is too cute.

mother of boys said...

Darling pics! Great job grabbing the camera--I always enjoy, but forget to capture the moment. Thanks for sharing.